What are the top CV skills employers look for? – FutureLearn

A well researched article with a detailed dive into what makes a good CV from FutureLearn They say:

If you’re applying for jobs and are struggling to know what to include on your CV, we’ve got you covered. We take a look at the top CV skills employers look for and some other key elements to include.

Topics covered include

What do employers look for on CVs?

  1. A clear CV layout
  2. Essential information
  3. Key skills and keywords

What skills should I have on my CV?

Why is continuous learning so important for your career?

The top CV skills employers look for:

Hard skills

  • Data analysis
  • Artificial intelligence
  • UX design
  • Cloud computing

Soft skills

  • Leadership
  • Project management
  • Communication
  • Teamwork

Should I use a skills-based CV?

There are links to lots of their courses covering many of the above areas.

Source: What are the top CV skills employers look for? – FutureLearn



