Job Hunting Resources

On this page you will find links to useful sites:

CV help

We have had these sites to help with you CV suggested to us.

Skills health check

Government website with a set of skills and aptitude tests that produces a detailed personal report that suggests possible types of jobs and sectors to consider

Aptitude Tests

Some jobs require online aptitude tests to asses things like numerical or verbal reasoning. This site has examples to practice on, but you do have to pay a minimum of £39 for access.

Company Research

Researching a company – Glassdoor

This site has reviews from people who work there about the pros and cons of working for the company, and also what type of application route led to an interview. More reviews of larger companies, but even some SMEs are covered.


News about the local economy

The site publishes monthly updates on what is happening in the local business community which can be useful for identifying targets for speculative applications.


Career planning – National Careers Service

The site includes a host of tools including profiles of jobs with entry requirements and a skills health check.

Careers for Graduates – Prospects

Overview of further study options, plus a description of what is involved in different jobs by sector.

Personal Development

If you are looking for someone to guide you personally, then may be a useful resource to find a coach.