Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Career Scenario Planning
The team from Squiggly Careers have an interesting episode and podsheet about how to use AI to help you think through different possible career scenarios in a classic 4 box grid Best Case Scenario: A highly desirable outcome with a high likelihood of happening.Worst Case Scenario: A low desirability outcome with a low likelihood of…
Cambridge Volunteer Fair 5 Feb online
Sometimes volunteering can be a good way to build up skills and confidence before getting a paid job. Plus it can be very rewarding. This is an online event on Wednesday 5 February which may give some inspiration but if not CCVS will have lots of other options The fair will feature presentations from each…
Science job interview questions and answers
Nature has published an article based on a survey of some of the most common questions used in a scientific interviews and the best approaches to answering them. Looking at why they are asked and with things to remember. Questions include Technical knowledge or experience Typical questions • Tell me about one of your recent…
ONS Data on Jobs in South Cambridgeshire
The Office for National Statistics has released data on job adverts by region. Here are some of the highlights for South Cambridgeshire. In August 2024, the number of live job adverts in South Cambridgeshire was below the UK average.
Quote about your past form James Clear
I thought this quote in James’s recent 3-2-1 newsletter was really relevant for people looking for the right job. “You can’t change your past, but you can reframe it. Find the lesson in it. Find the opportunity in it. Pull the teachable moment out of it and share with others. You can’t choose your history,…
Holiday Inn Recruitment Open Day
The Holiday Inn is holding a recruitment open day on Friday 27th September. Explore exciting hospitality career opportunities, meet the management team, and enjoy complimentary refreshments. Career consultations are available throughout the day. Hotel tours and presentations at 2pm, 4pm, and 6pm.
Volunteer Fair: 5 March – Online
CCVS are hosting an online lunchtime volunteer fair on Tuesday 5 March, 12.30pm to 2pm. This event is for anyone who has been considering volunteering, or would like to increase the time they spend, or add to an existing role, but don’t know how to go about it. Local voluntary organisations will give a short presentation about…
How to stay confident during a job search
Looking for a new role can feel hard when it takes longer than expected and you’re not sure what to do differently. In this Squiggly Careers Podcast Helen and Sarah talk about how to stay confident during the job search process. They share 5 different ideas for action to increase your sense of control and…
Software Jobs
Cloud Software Group that were formed from the combination of Citrix Systems and TIBCO are recruiting for 10 technical and marketing roles. https://careers.cloud.com/jobs/search?query=Cambridge
Skills For Life
The Government has launched a website to bring together the skills training they offer with the advice and guidance they offer.
Got any book recommendations?