Category: Resource

  • Skills Health Check – National Careers Service

    Government website with a set of skills and aptitude tests that produces a detailed personal report that suggests possible types of jobs and sectors to consider. The Skills Health Check is a set of quizzes and activities designed to help you explore your skills, interests and motivations. Working through the Skills Health Check can help…

  • New Recruiter Feature on LinkedIn

    New Recruiter Feature on LinkedIn

    LinkedIn have recently added a new feature which lets you flag up to potential recruiters that you are looking for a job. Go to the jobs section and click on Preferences Could be worth switching on to see what comes up.

  • 8 Lessons You Can Learn From A Job Interview Rejection

    8 Lessons You Can Learn From A Job Interview Rejection

    There is something valuable to learn from every job interview rejection, so use these lessons to help you turn that feeling of defeat into personal victory. The lessons are: Always be yourself. Be confident. Be humble. Being able to identify your weaknesses is a strength. Ask more questions. There is always room for improvement. Be…

  • Five things you need to stop doing on your cover letter

    Useful article about cover letters from Reed from the point of view of 5 things not to do. Using the same cover letter for every single job Being overly personal Making it all about you Drawing attention to your weaknesses Being too keen Read the full article

  • Kindle editions available Free

    We have just noticed that the Kindle edition of the books which could be helpful are available for free at the moment. So it would be a good idea to grab a copy quickly as we have no idea how long this will last. If you don’t own a kindle you can always download a…

  • Local Economic Information

    This website has a wealth of information about the local economy around Cambridge. It also publishes monthly updates with information about local companies which could be very useful when thinking about a speculative application or to check the company’s website for possible new jobs. As an example of what they cover, here are the…

  • 10 phrases employers hate to see on CVs

    Recent research on UK CVs from Good Houskeeping Short article with some interesting facts. Includes: Top 10 most over-used CV phrases that are likely to put employers off Top 10 CV hates by UK employers Source: 10 phrases employers hate to see on CVs – Good Housekeeping

  • Interesting job search site Trovit

      Jobs Cambridge – Trovit We have just had this site suggested to us. It is a job search site that seems to pick up listing from a surprisingly broad range of sites and has a good set of filters, including for part time jobs. While it includes quite a bit of advertising it could…

  • LinkedIn Job Search App for iPhone

    LinkedIn have a new job search app for iPhone. here is their blurb: Now, opportunity doesn’t just knock. It also sends notifications. LinkedIn Job Search gives you all the tools you need to easily find your dream job – or let it find you. Quickly find jobs wherever you want with location-based search. Get automatic…

  • 5 CV mistakes and how to fix them

    A US oriented article from Laszlo Bock, Influencer SVP, People Operations at Google, but still has some useful ideas on how to fix the problems ” for 15 years, I’ve continued to see the same mistakes made again and again by candidates……. All it takes is one small mistake and a manager will reject…