Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • 5 CV mistakes and how to fix them

    A US oriented article from Laszlo Bock, Influencer SVP, People Operations at Google, but still has some useful ideas on how to fix the problems https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/article/20140917045901-24454816-the-5-biggest-mistakes-i-see-on-resumes-and-how-to-correct-them ” for 15 years, I’ve continued to see the same mistakes made again and again by candidates……. All it takes is one small mistake and a manager will reject…

  • Job hunting day in Cottenham 27 Sept

    As part of their regular Saturday workshops Cottenham Academy are holding a free day on “Successful Job Hunting” 10-4:30. More details of the workshops at http://community.cvcweb.net/saturdays or the full details for the day here.

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